Prof Webster Santos

Prof Webster Santos

Virginia Tech


Prof. Webster Santos received his BS and PhD from the University of Virginia. Following his doctoral studies, he moved to Harvard University as a Ruth Kirschtein NIH fellow with Prof. Gregory Verdine. At Harvard, he performed chemical biology studies targeting RNA structures as well as HIV-1 integrase. In 2006, he started as an assistant professor of chemistry at Virginia Tech and was promoted to associate then full professor in 2018. He held a chaired position as the Blackwood Junior Faculty fellow of Life Science and is currently the Agnes and Cliff Lilly faculty fellow and serves as the director of the Virginia Tech drug discovery center. He is a co-founder of three biotech companies and received the Schug Research Award as well as an Innovator’s award at Virginia Tech. He is on the editorial advisory board of current topics in medicinal chemistry, medicinal research reviews as well as boron in the Americas.

His current research centers on developing drugs towards fatty liver disease, kidney disease, and multiple sclerosis as well as synthetic methodology of installing boron and silicon onto carbon bonds.

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