Boron: Beyond the Reagent Team Annual Meeting

Boron: Beyond the Reagent Team Annual Meeting

The Boron: Beyond the Reagent team came together at the Edinburgh Institute for Climate Change (ECCI) last month for an enjoyable and productive research meeting.

Over the two days together, researchers presented their latest findings from the different research areas and sought to make new connections between the work packages. There was also plenty of time for unstructured conversations to allow the organic exchange of ideas.

A creativity@home session for researchers facilitated by Skillfluence was included in day 1 of the programme, the session was based around the theme of collaboration.

Prof. Sharon Ashbrook from the University of St Andrews delivered the final keynote presentation of the meeting and provided some fascinating insights into how NMR spectroscopy can be used to understand structure, disorder and chemical reactivity in solids.


Prof Mike Ingleson and co-worker’s research highlighted in OPR&D


Boron PDRA Sarah McOnie starts Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship